Bill Ralston in the early days of TV3.
Bill Ralston in the early days of TV3.

Pop CultureJune 15, 2016

Before he was an Auckland Council candidate Bill Ralston was the wildest man in news

Bill Ralston in the early days of TV3.
Bill Ralston in the early days of TV3.

Yesterday afternoon three legends of news had lunch at (where else?) Prego. The Herald‘s former editor-in-chief Tim Murphy and ex-Mediaworks’ head of news Mark Jennings interrogated ’90s news icon Bill Ralston about his run for Council. Ahead of our publication of Murphy’s account of the lunch, Jennings remembers the glory days of his former colleague.

Bill and I have history.

It began in Wellington 26 years ago, not long after TV3 had gone on air. Bill Ralston was a gun reporter on A Current Affair – a show that was meant to kick the butt of an upstart called Paul Holmes. I was Bureau Chief and cut a chunk out of Bill’s story (the polite term is editing) to get it down to the required duration.

Bill took a dim view of this, and made a subtle point by hurling a telephone across the newsroom. This didn’t make much of an impression on me – I had seen far worse in the Australian newsrooms I’d worked in. But it did impress the young reporters in Wellington. All newsrooms want legends. Would ‘Billy the Kid’ or ‘Wild Bill Ralston’ be theirs? Bill’s arrival the next day was eagerly awaited – what would happen?

Nothing happened.

Bill reserved his legendary status for a later show called Nightline and got on with some good reporting. He helped others be good reporters too. John Campbell credits Ralston for teaching him the art of political reporting.

Reporting on Nightline with Belinda Todd, 1991

When I later moved to Auckland to take the Head of News job, Bill was hosting the Ralston Group. It was a crazy show where people sat round a coffin-shaped coffee table and yelled at each other, and it helped shape TV3’s DNA. The network was loose, fun and slightly dangerous.

Bill became a bit more dangerous when he went on Nightline and mercilessly lampooned politicians, including the PM of the time, Jim Bolger. New Zealand could have had its very own John Oliver or Jon Stewart – but we were all too dumb to recognise what we had in this unique talent. Instead, Bill wandered off to be Editor of Metro.

About this time Bill took up a new hobby called “Criticise TVNZ at every opportunity”. It could only happen in New Zealand but nek minnit Bill was Head of TVNZ News. This was a serious shock, but a bigger one was coming. When Prime poached Paul Holmes, Bill kindly suggested to then-Prime CEO Chris Taylor: “I’d be shooting myself. I’d be pouring petrol over myself and throwing myself off Auckland’s tallest building”. Wild Bill was back!

At our Prego lunch Ralston described these as the Golden days of TV. “We had budgets, we could actually do stuff “. But it is no surprise he wants to head back to the political arena – it’s in his blood.

While he rules out (for now) running for Mayor, Bill knows that Phil Goff and Victoria Crone will probably bore the pants off us. He doesn’t quite fit Tim Murphy’s claim of being Auckland’s equivalent of London’s Boris Johnson – but he is the closest we have.

When the cameras roll and the iPhones blink ‘recording’, Bill knows what is going to make the news. He also has what he once hoped to install in TVNZ’s benign reporters – a bit of mongrel. “I spent 30 years holding politicians and the bureaucracy to account… I trained myself to cope with confrontation on television.”

This is code for “I don’t take any crap.”

Any bumblers in the beehive will be on his radar if he is fighting Auckland’s corner.

There is also a softer side to Ralston these days, although I saw plenty of it at TV3 too. The underdog invariably drew his support. If someone was down on their luck, Bill would help them. One senses he will do the same for his prospective constituents in Waitemata. If his supporters were erecting an old fashioned billboards instead of sending emails and DMs they would probably say:

“Bill Ralston – a tough guy with a big heart.”

Mark Jennings and Tim Murphy have just set up the media consultancy Jennings Murphy


Pop CultureJune 15, 2016

Last fan standing: The tragic tale of a lonely Grey’s Anatomy lover


It’s hard being a loner fan. Madeleine Chapman speaks of her struggle to find a single friend who still cares about Grey’s Anatomy. Contains spoilers, if anyone still cares. 

“Have you watched the latest Grey’s yet?”

“Mad, I’m sorry to say that I’m not sure if I ever will.”

That was it. On the 18th of December 2015, the last person I knew who had also seen every episode of Grey’s Anatomy gave up after 11 seasons. This girl – I’ll call her Emma, because that is her real name and she deserves to be shamed – was the reason I had started watching in the first place.

She was a fountain of praise, insisting “honestly, you’ll love it,” and then leaving me to face this cynical, dramatic, emotional world alone. Emma was my parent on the first day of school. She promised fun and laughter, only to eventually leave me at the gate with no friends and no yummy snacks to trade at lunchtime.


I never watched Grey’s Anatomy when it first aired and was actually popular. Television was my mother’s enemy and the dangers involved in secretly watching it far outweighed the benefits. One time my parents went away and left their teenage kids home alone for a week. Instead of throwing a party in what was often described as “the perfect house for parties,” we filled the pantry with snacks and watched four seasons of House.

While everyone at my school was debating whether it was George or Izzie who died in the season six premiere of Grey’s, I was chiming in with sad statements like: “Who cares? It’s a dumb show”, and “I reckon they both die”. At the time I felt confident in my refusal to take part in such discussions but in hindsight I see it was simply a cry for help.

In 2012 I moved from Wellington to Auckland, filled with the giddy feeling that comes with the freedom to party all night long whenever I wanted. Instead, halfway through my first semester of uni, Emma convinced me that I should start watching Grey’s Anatomy because the eighth season was really good. I watched 192 episodes in six weeks. On a completely unrelated note, I got solid C’s in all my papers.


Throughout my dangerously long binge, I would text Emma whenever something truly dramatic happened. I may have been five, six, seven years late, but I was living it like no other. I was right there, equally shocked, when Christina left Burke waiting at the altar.


I heard Anna Nalick sing “breathe, just breathe” as Meredith handed the soon-to-explode bomb to poor Coach Taylor.


I, too, was cry-laughing hysterically at George’s funeral.


I tried to convert others in the same way that I had been converted, but it was hard. They didn’t want to hear it when I said that “Grey’s Anatomy was killing off fan favourites way before Game of Thrones. They turned away when I cried: “It’s not as bad as you think!” And now they openly laugh when I tell them I’m up to season 12.


This season, Martin Henderson joined the cast in a big way, stepping into the huge hole that Derek Shepherd left when he unceremoniously died last year and took my friend Emma’s heart and viewing eyes with him.

When I first heard Henderson speak, I thought: “Oh no, he can’t do an American accent.” Then it was revealed that his character is from New Zealand and I thought: “Oh no, he can’t do a New Zealand accent”. Instead, it’s a strange hybrid that will only be annoying to New Zealand viewers, so we all have that to look forward to.

Even so, I remain loyal. Even after Denny died and George died. And Sloan died. And Lexie, Reed, Heather, Charles, Adele, Susan, and Derek died. Even after Burke left and Teddy left and Christina (everyone’s favourite) left, I stuck around. I stuck around so hard that the first and only video I made on the Acapella app was a re-creation of Denny’s death.

I have already seen the latest season that is currently showing on TV because I am a young punk and didn’t know that it still aired in this country. I watched each episode online and laughed and cried, then laughed at the fact that I had no one to laugh with, and cried because I had no one to cry with.


There were huge twists and turns, as usual. Does it still count as a spoiler if no one you know cares what happened? I have been living in this lonely melodramatic hospital for 24 weeks, wondering if I would ever have company.

And then, just now, I remembered something. Maybe I did have a friend who knew what I was feeling. Maybe we had both forgotten each other, consumed by our self-imposed prison of Grey’s Anatomy love. Just maybe.


Anna never did reply to my second text. Come to think of it, she often doesn’t reply to any of my texts. She’s not exactly providing a glowing endorsement for the show or for myself.

But in this cold, dark, desolate fandom, she’s all I’ve got.

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