
AppreciationOctober 21, 2014

Guy Williams’ Biased List of the Five Best JABAT sketches of all time


Jono and Ben at Ten employee Guy Williams has watched every minute of every episode of Jono and Ben at Ten ever made. This makes him uniquely qualified to pick the five best Jono and Ben at Ten sketches of all time. //

1. Guy Williams interviews the Pakeha Party (These aren’t all going to be about me I promise).

This was a comedy slam dunk. The big story of the week was an asshole who’d set up a party to counter the Maori Party. I’d always had the idea of interviewing a well known racist like the “National Front” loser down in Christchurch and this was a dream because you can go as hard on them as you want and they’ll still be the dickhead.

2) Next Actor: Robbie Magaseva

Let’s be honest guys there’s been a lot of great “Next Actors” (Note “Next Actor” is the terrible name we gave to dressing a craplebrity up like a sales clerk and giving them wacky instructions in their ear. We never anticipated that this segment would outlast actual X-Factor and it would get to the point where we actually ran out of New Zealand actors). Personally I love Phil Goff trying to operate a checkout but The Robbie Magasiva version has 1.3 million views and I am of very weak character and highly susceptible to peer pressure.

3) Eff that Dad

“Looking for a man who likes mowing the lawn/ The type of guy who makes kids be born/ I like you you like me/ Lets go home and watch a U2 DVD/ Cargo pants, you could me my guy/ Tasmanian devil on your tie!”


4) David Tua Press conference (another me one)

This went way better/worse than I could have ever imagined. My plan was to ask terrible questions but I didn’t realise saying a terrible “your mum” joke would go down quite this poorly. I was genuinely terrified and there was a brief moment when sweat came out of every pore in my body at once and I was saturated. I had worse questions planned but I didn’t do them.

5) Frozen support group

This has all the makings of a great sketch: It’s topical and it has at least one joke in it, enjoy!

Highly recommended bonus sketches that didn’t quite make Guy’s Top Five:


Hobbit Premiere:

Interview with Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson:

Tinder Song:


Disclaimer: Guy Williams is a paid employee of the Jono and Ben at Ten corporation of New Zealand limited.

Keep going!