The Puawananga (Clematis flower, pictured) and many other white blossoming flowers are a clear sign of Matiti Hana, the second phase of summer.  Photo: Getty Images
The Puawananga (Clematis flower, pictured) and many other white blossoming flowers are a clear sign of Matiti Hana, the second phase of summer. Photo: Getty Images

ĀteaOctober 1, 2018

Learning to live by the Maramataka: Whiringa-ā-nuku

The Puawananga (Clematis flower, pictured) and many other white blossoming flowers are a clear sign of Matiti Hana, the second phase of summer.  Photo: Getty Images
The Puawananga (Clematis flower, pictured) and many other white blossoming flowers are a clear sign of Matiti Hana, the second phase of summer. Photo: Getty Images

The low energy day of Whiro is best spent fasting, meditating and cleansing the body. Want to know more? Check out the maramataka for October. 

Kia ora tātou, welcome to Whiringa-ā-nuku! Hopefully the last few columns have got you thinking and talking about the maramataka. With this latest instalment, we will continue to add mātauranga as we head towards the ultimate goal of you being equipped enough to apply the maramataka to everyday life.

Being in tune with the maramataka enhances our understanding of the environment and the way we do things. The first step to help tune in is setting your maramataka dial according to the full moon. If you live on the west coast of Auckland, set your dial to Rakaunui the day before the full moon. This month, the full moon will be on October 25. If you live on the east coast, set your dial to Rakaunui on the day of the full moon. Reset your dial every 30 days.

Tohu in Whiringa-ā-nuku

Tohu o te whenua: The tohu we see now is the Puawānanga – Clematis flower. This and many other white blossoming flowers are a clear sign of Matiti Hana, the second phase of summer. There are seven summer phases in total. Matiti Kura is the first phase, check out the cheat sheet to see more.

It’s important to understand that different phases are connected and overlap as we move from one to the next. In te ao Māori everything is connected, nothing is done in isolation but instead, with a holistic view.

Tohu o te rangi: Last month the visible stars were Whakaahu Rangi and Whakaahu Kerekere (Castor and Pollux) and they are still in the sky now. The new star that will rise in early October is Te Kakau (Regulus), followed in early November by Whiti Kaupeka (Spica).

Tohu o te moana: Whitebait will come to an end this moon cycle and the rise of Kanae (mullet) will begin! A saying used for this tohu by kaumatua is: ‘Ngā tama korowhiti o Tangaroa’ (the leaping of the mullet). At the start of its season the mullet move and by the end, they are leaping.

Key maramataka dates

1, 2 and 3 October – Tangaroa a mua, Tangaroa a roto and Tangaroa kiokio: These are fantastic fishing and planting days, and also very fruitful days. There is plentiful food and people are more positive in attitude and feelings. This is a time for positive outcomes so it’s a great time to hui and sort matters.

5, 6 and 7 October – Orongonui, Omauri and Mutuwhenua: A great time to plant all food; watery crops, root crops and salads.

8 October: This is the lowest energy day of the month and the darkest night when the moon is not visible.  This is such a great time to rest and plan. It’s also a time to fast. With this low energy we don’t need much food. This day, Whiro, was traditionally a time of fasting, meditating and cleansing the body.

13, 14 and 15 October – Tamatea a ngana, Tamatea a hotu and Tamatea a io: The winds are unpredictable and change quickly, so take extra caution if you’re on the water. The energy level is moderate. Last month we noticed on Tamatea days, it was like having all seasons in a day. It went from rain, to sun, to strong winds and then quickly changed again. I wonder what we’ll notice this time? Keep an eye out if you can.

23, 24 and 25 October – Oturu, Rakaunui and Rakau ma tohi: The highest energy days of the month around the full moon. This is opposite to Whiro. People love these days and the boost of energy they bring! This is a time to get things done. The perfect time to plant kai of this season – if you missed last month, try getting your seedlings in now or on the Omauri and Mutuwhenua days. Rakaunui is a great time for everything – high activity, action, events, and sports.

28, 29 and 30 October – Korekore te whiawhia, Korekore te rawea and Korekore piri ki nga tangaroa: These are low energy days like Whiro. They are not suitable for high activity. This is the time to reflect, think and plan. I love to use these days for mindfulness and revisiting my goals. On these days I seem to be on point with organising and articulating thoughts. I recommend this time for stretching the hinengaro (intellect).

Ka pai whānau, I’ll aim to post more throughout the month via Instagram, find me @aylahoeta and send me any pātai.

Kia pai tō marama!

Keep going!