warcast war auckland
warcast war auckland

AucklandAugust 8, 2016

The War For Auckland Podcast #2: Enter the council dragon

warcast war auckland
warcast war auckland

In the second scorching installment of the Spinoff’s War For Auckland podcast, we discuss the political responses to the revised Unitary Plan and take bets on whether the Auckland Council will vote it through

The adorable old labrador we call the Unitary Plan moves closer to maturity on Wednesday this week as it arrives before the Auckland Council. In a fresh and sparkling podcast the Spinoff’s Toby Manhire and Hayden Donnell are joined by Ockham Residential’s Helen O’Sullivan and the editor-at-large from Metro, Simon Wilson, to preview the shenanigans, review the remarkable political consensus on the plan, assess the concerns about affordability provisions and dispatch fiery reckons about councillors with more than half an eye on re-election.

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