Lauren Peate, founder and CEO of Multitudes
Lauren Peate, founder and CEO of Multitudes

BusinessJuly 8, 2021

Business is Boring: How Multitudes helps measure and improve team culture

Lauren Peate, founder and CEO of Multitudes
Lauren Peate, founder and CEO of Multitudes

Lauren Peate, founder and CEO of Multitudes, tells Simon Pound how their software is helping analyse an important part of business that’s not easy to measure.

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There’s a lot of software to help measure what developers produce, but there isn’t a lot of software to analyse the quality of the communication, workplace culture and feedback these teams receive. That was the insight that led Lauren Peate to start Multitudes, a company that helps businesses measure and improve culture and performance.

The company’s founder and CEO came up with the idea while running Ally Skills NZ, a diversity, equity and inclusion consultancy for tech companies. She’s worked in and with startups in the Middle East and as a management consultant with Bain & Co in San Francisco, and received a degree in economics from Stanford. This background and knowledge of the problem attracted some amazing investors: the former CEO of Reddit, a founder of Culture Amp and Blackbird VC are all on board. 

To talk about the journey, how to be good allies and what Multitudes is here to do, Lauren joined Business is Boring for a chat.

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