Sam Brooks flicks through the programme for this year’s Comedy Fest, powered by Flick Electric Co, and rounds up this year’s incredibly relevant and important festival statistics.
Amount of shows on in Auckland: 117
Amount of shows on in Wellington: 68
Amount of shows involving women: 24 (20%)
Amount of shows with photos of men in suits: 18 (11%)
Amount of shows involving LGBT people: 7, based on my pre-existing knowledge and educated guesses. Drag me if you must! (6%)
Amount of shows with no straight white men onstage: 41 (35%)
Amount of shows by people named James: 5 (4%)
Amount of shows that Tom Sainsbury is involved in: 3 (2.5%)
Amount of improv shows: 3 (2.5%)
Amount of Wellington shows not coming to Auckland: 12
Amount of Auckland shows not coming to Wellington: A lot.
Amount of stand-up shows for kids: 1, Stand-Up For Kids(0.85%)
Amount of shows in English: 116
Amount of shows in Mandarin: 1 (0.85%)
Amount of shows in Te Reo: 0 (0%)
Amount of shows with posters designed by Hadley Donaldson: 10
Amount of shows with photography by Andi Crown: 9
Amount of variations on the name Brendan/Brendhan/Brendon: 3
Shortest show: Whoever gets disheartened and cuts their set short at the half hour point on opening night (???)
Longest show: The Flick Electric Co. Comedy Gala, if previous years are any indication (Anywhere from the stated 2.5 hours until the heat death of the galaxy, hard to say this far out)
Amount of Comedy Festival shows that are high teas hosted by Urzila Carlson in a fancy hotel: Only 1, sadly. And it’s in Wellington!
Most expensive show: Aforementioned Urzila Carlson hotel high tea ($79)
Least expensive show: The Classic Future Quiz hosted by Rhys Mathewson, if you want a quiz ($10), and if you’re looking for a cheap show, Dope Joke Party, Anya and Saran and Bridget Davies/Tom Sainsbury are your cheapest at concession prices! ($12)
Longest title: Between the Devil & The Deep Blue Sea (Seven words and an ampersand)
Shortest title: So? (Two letters and a question mark)
Cool, diverse and inclusive shows that The Spinoff is supporting: 1 (Dialogue: Identity)
Note: Statistics and percentages are based on the shows in Auckland. You can assume that there’s fewer of pretty much every kind of show in Wellington, and use your Year 11 maths to adjust the percentages up or down accordingly.