Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

KaiSeptember 21, 2019

Food podcast: In which we snack on creepy-crawlies to save the planet

Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

Covering Climate Now: Dietary Requirements is The Spinoff’s monthly podcast in which we eat, drink and talk about it too, with special thanks to Freedom Farms. This month, we go crazy for crickets in a climate week special.

The Spinoff’s participation in Covering Climate Now is made possible thanks to Spinoff Members. Join us here!

September’s Dietary Requirements is all about how what we eat and drink affects the world around us – yep, it’s a climate crisis special.

We’re joined in the studio by Wairarapa cricket farmer John Hart and his partner in crime Chris Petersen of Rebel Bakehouse (both of whom are pictured in the work of art above) to talk the ins and outs of farming insects for food. As we snack on some buzzy buggy snacks, we don’t shy away from hard-hitting questions like “do the crickets have personalities and do you give them names?”, and discuss the place of farming in a climate-crisis world.

As it’s vegan week in The Spinoff office (well, for some of us), we share some plant-based cooking tips and restaurant recommendations while sampling Alice’s rather tasty vegan cookies, and of course we drink some deliciously sustainable beer.

To listen, use the player below or download this episode (right click and save). Make sure to subscribe via iTunes, or via your favourite podcast client. And please share Dietary Requirements with your friends. Get in touch if you have any questions or requests:

The Spinoff’s participation in Covering Climate Now is made possible thanks to the contributions of Spinoff Members. Join The Spinoff Members to help us do more important journalism.


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