Spinoff Book reading Alex B

MediaDecember 16, 2019

The Spinoff Book podcast: Contemplating the end of the world with Alex Braae

Spinoff Book reading Alex B

In the second instalment of our new pop-up podcast, The Spinoff Book Out Loud, Alex Braae reads his unexpectedly personal post about the rise of climate protest movement Extinction Rebellion.

Listen to episode one, Madeleine Chapman on life after those chip rankings, here.

How far would you go to save your future – and those of your children? Early in 2019, staff writer Alex Braae joined members of direct-action climate protest group Extinction Rebellion as they gatecrashed the local head office of a global oil company. His piece set out what happened, but also captured what the future feels like for a millennial whose hopes have been upended by the climate crisis. “Our parents were optimistic that each year could offer something better than the last,” he wrote, “but we know we are the generation that can never say that again.”

Here Spinoff editor Toby Manhire introduces Alex Braae, who reads that post, one of the many that appears in The Spinoff Book alongside dozens of other entertaining, edifying and just plain eccentric pieces of writing, with the best of The Spinoff’s first five years and a host of new material, as well as sumptuous new illustrations by Toby Morris.

The Spinoff Book, published by Penguin Random House New Zealand, is available everywhere books are sold.

Either download this episode (right click and save)have a listen below, or on Apple podcasts or via Spotify.

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