
Music MondayMarch 30, 2015

Music Monday: Avoiding Cricket Talk With The Mighty Boosh


For this Music Monday, Alex Casey finds a totally normal way to excuse yourself from devastating cricket chat with help from The Mighty Boosh. //

Yes, the cricket final happened last night and some bad things happened. We were all there, no need to dwell.

Actually, let’s.

As someone who has struggled with watching sport in the past, I had been feeling pretty optimistic about my chances of enjoying the game last night. There were beers, ingredients for guacamole and more than enough stupid orange-faced mascots knocking around to keep me happy. I was all in on “backing the black caps”, even if the terminology wasn’t 100% clear all the time.

Early on, things started going pear-shaped. And I’m not just talking about the fact that I forgot to buy coriander for the guacamole (it really is a whole different dip without it). Twitter went very quiet. My dog schlumped off the couch and dawdled outside. My boyfriend stood up and delivered a swift kick in the groin to my plush life size E.T. Jokes on him, E.T.’s about as flat as a pancake down there.

As things drew to a close for a triumphant yet garish Australia, I realised there were going to be a lot of upset folk in New Zealand not wanting to face the world today.

If you can’t handle the barrage of cricket chat today via soul-crushing sadness, why not make like The Mighty Boosh‘s Bob Fossil and churn out this little song and dance number to your friends and colleagues:

Allow it to happen just as it does in The Mighty Boosh. No preamble, no exposition, no explanation. It probably won’t work but hey, at least it will knock everyone for a six.

Lightbox subscribers, click here to escape from the tormented reality of sports rage via The Mighty Boosh

Everyone else, click here to start your free trial (12 months for Spark customers, 30 days for everyone else)

Keep going!