Eddie sees the double-decker bus
Eddie sees the double-decker bus

ParentsJuly 20, 2018

A five-year-old reviews Wellington’s new double decker buses

Eddie sees the double-decker bus
Eddie sees the double-decker bus

We have heard from a lot of adults about the new Wellington buses. But what do kids think? Five-year-old Eddie gives his honest opinion.

My name is Eddie.

I went on the double decker bus today.

I was doing a review about the double decker bus that I went on today and my baby brother did come on too and he is three and he’s a baby and I had so much fun and I got to go on the top and I got to go on the front and we were on such a long time and I couldn’t see my dad but I could see him when I did see him.

When I saw the double decker bus I was so excited the most excited of my life probably.

I am five and my name is Eddie.

When I got to go in the front it was my favourite thing.

The double decker bus driver was very kind to me and when I got off I said thank you driver and I maybe want to be a double decker bus driver.

When I saw the double decker bus I thought it looked really cool and it had some stairs to get up the top and also that’s it probably.

What I’m looking forward to when I’m an adult is archeology and making clothes and I want to study the bones I find. And I’m going to look for some rocks.

I think I left rocks on the double decker bus so if you find my rocks then just call my mum or dad.

If you want to go on a double decker bus you should the double decker bus is fun and you should sit at the front if someone is at the front maybe ask if you can sit with them and make a friend.

The double decker bus driver can also be your friend.


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