Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

Pet WeekMarch 30, 2022

A compilation of FIRST’s best pet stories

Image: Tina Tiller
Image: Tina Tiller

For Pet Week, FIRST presents a collection of first pet stories – featuring an aggressive budgie, a tadpole Squid Game and more.

One of the first firsts most FIRST guests get asked about is their first pet – and more often than not it brings up some weird, funny and/or tragic memories.

This special Pet Week edition of FIRST collects some of the best first pet stories from the series so far, including how Simon Bridges accidentally killed his pet axolotl by feeding it “quite a long sliver of meat”, why Ladi6’s dog was maybe racist, what happened when Creamerie’s Ally Xue didn’t feed her tadpoles and more.

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