
PodcastsApril 2, 2020

How you can access $2000 of specialist help for your business


Business is Boring is a weekly podcast series presented by The Spinoff in association with Callaghan Innovation. Host Simon Pound speaks with innovators and commentators focused on the future of New Zealand. This week he talks to Kirstin Mead from the Regional Business Partners’ Network.

Business owners around the country will have been watching to see what the government is doing to help with the massive disruption caused by Covid-19.

One of the things that’s being offered is extra funding to support business through the Regional Business Partners Network. This funding allows for mentoring and support so businesses can make plans to get through this crisis. But what is the RBPN? How can you access it? Is it for you? And what help is available?

This week we are chatting to one of the regional business partners in this network. Kirstin Mead has been working with the programme for the last three years, helping companies in the Bay of Plenty access advice, support, and matched funds to grow their businesses.

Now there are special services covering current needs like continuity planning and HR – and you don’t need to match funds to access up to $2000 of specialist by-the-hour advice. RBPN can also connect you to mentors and make introductions to people that could help you and your business grow.

To talk through her journey into helping business, what the network is, what help is out there and how you can get it, Kirstin joined Business is Boring for a chat.

Head along to the Regional Business Partners Network website to see what help is available for you.

Either download this episode (right click and save)have a listen below or via Spotify, subscribe through iTunes (RSS feed).

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