In which the immigration minister is owned by his own Twitter account.
Iain-Lees Galloway has faced mounting pressure this week over his decision to grant permanent residency to a convicted drug smuggler and repeat offender from the Czech Republic Karel Sroubek. The immigration minister refused to give media interviews and offered only opaque justifications for his decision, saying he relied on officials’ advice, implying Sroubek would face risks to his life if deported. After media revealed that the man had in fact safely nipped back to the Czech Republic a couple of times, Lees-Galloway ordered an urgent review into the decision. All of that prompted critics to disinter tweets from former-ILG that read as if they were upbraiding present-ILG. Would there be enough old social media action to splice together a hot, damning take? Here’s our best effort, 100% verbatim and only sometimes completely unfairly wrenched out of context: the ghost of @IainLG tears into Iain LG.
“This government has a plan that is working.” Always good to open with a joke. Fair warning, this is gonna take longer than 140 characters.
I think every news outlet wants nothing more than for a government rep to front up. Wall of silence so far. Hiding behind an inquiry and blaming officials. So much for transparent government.
He just grabbed every opportunity our hapless government threw in his direction. Yes, yes, yes!!! Can’t blame him for taking the bunch of fools in our government for a ride.
That’s the problem with the use of ministerial discretion – it’s not transparent. I’d love to see what that advice was but the government is refusing to release it. Regardless, the decision rests with the minister. Hiding behind official advice is weak.
Don’t want to speculate as to motivation. But until they front up, that’s what is going to happen. Journos’ questions were pretty straightforward. It’s reasonable for them to be answered on the day, not to invoke OIA. New Zealand is losing our reputation as the home of transparent democracy.
Giant human poo outside my office door this morning. Someone must have been caught short!! It’s ridiculous that you can get as pissed as you like as often as you like but smoke one joint and you’re out of a job. Stop telling lies Winston. You’re making a dick of yourself. Our prime minister doesn’t have the chops to lead the country.
I intend to hold myself to the standards we have demanded in opposition. And now I have to go so I’ll leave it there.