You know the campaign is really under way when there are ice creams and robots involved.
You know the campaign is really under way when there are ice creams and robots involved.

PoliticsSeptember 6, 2023

Gone By Lunchtime: Robots, gelati and the murder house

You know the campaign is really under way when there are ice creams and robots involved.
You know the campaign is really under way when there are ice creams and robots involved.

The Spinoff’s politics podcast tackles dental care, tax pledges and the rival campaign launches.

As Aristotle observed, you really know an election campaign is kicking off when the party leaders are visiting Christchurch gelateria and shaking hands with literal robots.

Fizzing at the bung, Annabelle Lee-Mather, Ben Thomas and Toby Manhire take the pulse with just over five weeks to go.

On the agenda:

  • National’s tax plan, the squeezed middle, and the complaints of “heroic” assumptions in their foreign property buyer and offshore gambling revenue schemes.
  • Labour’s dental pledge and the promised land of 2026, complete with nostalgia of the old days when kids were bussed off to the “murder house”.
  • The Labour and National campaign launches, their respective slickness, strangeness protester interruptions.
  • Which other historical figures would have voted Act?

All that, plus: an important update on Annabelle’s pigeon situation.

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