
PoliticsApril 23, 2020

Politics podcast: Gone by lockdowntime


In the world’s first ever podcast undertaken by people in remote locations, it’s New Zealand’s leading epidemiologists and economists, Toby Manhire, Annabelle Lee-Mather and Ben Thomas. 

An exclusive reading by the velvet voiced Jacinda Ardern biographer Madeleine Chapman kicks off the return of Gone By Lunchtime, who will not be muzzled by alert level four.

On the agenda: How has the political leadership fared in the Covid-19 response? Is the international fawning over Jacinda Ardern warranted? What about the domestic opprobrium levelled at David Clark and Simon Bridges.

Either download this episode (right click and save)have a listen below or subscribe via Apple Podcasts and Spotify or here on Stitcher (RSS feed).

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