Chloe Swarbrick and Danyl Mclauchlan at Meow, Wellington. Photo: Naomi Madeiros
Chloe Swarbrick and Danyl Mclauchlan at Meow, Wellington. Photo: Naomi Madeiros

PoliticsJune 24, 2020

Politics in pubs podcast: Chlöe Swarbrick and Danyl Mclauchlan

Chloe Swarbrick and Danyl Mclauchlan at Meow, Wellington. Photo: Naomi Madeiros
Chloe Swarbrick and Danyl Mclauchlan at Meow, Wellington. Photo: Naomi Madeiros

In the second of our pre-election events, a collaboration between Spinoff Members and Verb Wellington, Danyl Mclauchlan talks to Chlöe Swarbrick, the MP seeking to tip the table of politics from inside parliament. 

Chlöe Swarbrick first leapt into the spotlight with an audacious, cynic-defying and unsuccessful run for the Auckland mayoralty. After being courted by a number of parties, she ran with the Greens, and has made her mark for, among other things, winning international headlines by dropping an “OK boomer” (at Todd Muller, no less) in parliament and proving comfortably the most lucid political voice in favour of legalising cannabis.

Last year Swarbrick (who in recent days announced she’s giving it her all to win the Auckland Central electorate) wrote in The Spinoff urging a new generation of politicians to storm the ramparts. “We need representatives in positions of power who are there not to hold up the marble walls, but to knock them down,” she said.

In the second Spinoff Members / Verb Wellington collaboration, held in a socially distanced but still outstandingly good Meow bar, Danyl Mclauclan asked her about her political philosophy and a whole heap else.

Either download this episode (right click and save)have a listen below or subscribe via Apple Podcasts and Spotify or here on Stitcher (RSS feed).

Keep going!