
Pop CultureMarch 4, 2021

The best of The Spinoff’s video series


Feel like you’ve already watched everything on the internet this week? Here are eight video series from The Spinoff archive you might have missed.

Scratched: Aotearoa’s Lost Sporting Legends

Meet some of the unsung or forgotten legends of New Zealand sport, from Māori tennis legend Ruia Morrison’s Wimbledon run in the 1950s to marathon swimmer Meda McKenzie’s epic 24-hour double-crossing of the Cook Strait in the 1980s.

Final Mix

Take a drive with Yadana Saw and a bunch of New Zealand musicians as they put their new material to the ultimate test – how does it sound in the car?

Alice Snedden’s Bad News

Alice Snedden might be one of the country’s greatest living interviewers – see what we mean as she gets stuck into everything from healthcare inequity and prisoner voting rights to the question of why churches don’t have to pay any tax in Bad News.

100 Year Forecast

What will Aotearoa look like in 100 years if we don’t do anything about climate change? And how much of a difference could we still make if we do? 100 Year Forecast finds out, and has all the eye-popping maps and dataviz to show it.

On the Rag

Join Alex Casey, Leonie Hayden and Michèle A’Court as The Spinoff’s funny feminist podcast-turned-award-winning-webseries takes a look at the issues important to women in Aotearoa today.

Youth Wings

Go behind the O Week stalls and meet some of the young leaders of the youth wings of New Zealand’s main political parties (circa NZ First still being in parliament). Then, watch their live Town Hall debate!


A series of standalone short documentaries – from the fight of Mataura residents to get toxic waste out of their paper mill to the incredible Whaea Michelle, navigator of the family court.

Two Sketches

Easily the most chilled-out and relaxing series The Spinoff has ever made, join Toby Morris as he sits down for a draw (or in Metiria Turei’s case a cross-stitch) and a chat with some of New Zealand’s top illustrators and cartoonists.

All these series are made with the support of NZ On Air. Subscribe to The Spinoff on YouTube for more.

Keep going!