
Pop CultureJune 8, 2024

‘Compulsory for the pre-drinks’: SPYCC from SWIDT’s perfect weekend playlist


SPYCC from SWIDT shares the perfect playlist to accompany his dream weekend of cooking, vortexing and Sunday hangxiety. 

We called them the most electrifying rap group in the country way back in 2019, but SWIDT have just wrapped up their most ambitious project yet: releasing new music every second day throughout New Zealand Music month. “It was our way of going against the grain, doing something that hasn’t been done before, and catering to the new way in which people consume music/content,” explains SPYCC. “Why not occupy that entire month, and flood the game?”

The project took a lot of preparation and organisation but “delivered beyond expectation”, says SPYCC. “The response has been crazy, and to be honest it just further validates the importance of backing your ideas, even if they might seem far fetched or wild at the time.” The month culminated in the surprise release of their sophomore album TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS, telling fans on social media “you can’t rush greatness”. 

SPYCC says the album is eclectic enough to accompany “all sorts” of weekend scenarios. And, after a massive month, he suggests that SWIDT may have even more tricks up their sleeves. “All I can say is, we are not done yet.” While we all await SWIDT’s next move, SPYCC was kind enough to share his dream weekend playlist.  

Vince Staples – ‘Black&Blue’

This joint instantly caught my attention because of the ‘Pale Jay’ sample – shit goes hard. But I’ve been bumpin’ this tune while I’ve been getting my Chef Ramsay on and cookin’ up a feast for toana’i. Feel like it enhances my culinary skills and that.

Tommy Richman – ‘WHAT DO YOU LIKE’

After a night of making poor decisions, this slapper really cures any traces of hangxiety dealing with my Sunday blues. Plus, Tomasi’s other joint ‘Million Dollar Baby’ is a no-go zone thanks to every story on IG.

Sione Toki – ‘FAST. (extended)’

To be honest, this song is compulsory for the pre-drink aux cord DJ set. I associate this song with vortexing a 24 box of Coronas, and then telling your toko that you’ve got his back and if anyone has a problem then “that’s us”.

 Nat King Cole – ‘I Don’t Want To See Tomorrow’

The title sounds hella grim, but it’s not like that. I feel like Sunday is always for the oldies, and it just so happens that this one makes the “Soothing a hangover” playlist regularly. Plus, you can’t go wrong with Nat King Cole, put some respect on OG’s name.

Radiohead – ‘Karma Police’

 I feel like whenever I’m going on a long drive I tend to tap into all my palagi music. Radiohead is a repeat offender on road trips, as well as Smashing Pumpkins and Kings of Leon. I also own OK Computer on vinyl even though I don’t own a turntable. 

 Eazy E – ‘Real Muthaphuckkin G’s’

There’s no better way to reinforce stereotypes that have been shoved down society’s throat (pause) by the media than by listening to some Eazy E at a kid’s birthday party. 

 Waka Flocka Flame, Popa Smurf, Slim Dunkin, YG Hootie  – ‘Karma’

Bruh, I guarantee you that if you put this record on when you’re working out – you’re going to hit your PB every single time. Legend has it that Sir Edmund Hillary was listening to this before he climbed Mount Everest. 

Toro Y Moi – ‘New Beat’ 

I am definitely playing this if I am going to the beach. It makes me feel like I am down at Muscle Beach in Venice doing calisthenic workouts on the monkey bars and that. When really, I’m just sitting on the edge of the water fountain at Mission Bay watching seagulls harass people’s picnics. 

George Strait – ‘You Look So Good In Love’ 

This is one of my go to songs for a sober or horsey karaoke session (even though people be hating). It’s just one of those timeless joints that will have you singing it like you wrote it. Honourable mentions: Audioslave ‘Like a Stone’ and Backstreet Boys ‘I Want it That Way’ (if you don’t hit AJ’s “desire” adlib in the second verse, then you not a real one). 


Would we even be SWIDT if we didn’t mention one of our own songs? But hear me out, it’s the last minute of the Rugby World Cup, the All Blacks are trailing by four points and they’re in their own 20. Then Rieko Ioane gets the ball and does an 80-metre sprint through the Springboks to win it for them. This is the song that they put on in that very moment. Side note: I was on track to being an All Black until I did my ACL. 

Stream SWIDT’s new album TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS here

Keep going!