
Pop CultureJanuary 13, 2016

The Spinoff’s SEALED SECTION of Bare Presenter Arms Through the Ages on TVNZ


To usher in a new look for 2016, female TVNZ presenters were told that they must keep their arms covered at all times. The Spinoff has censored their imagery accordingly and has filed all bare armskin away in this exclusive sealed section.

If you missed the news, over the weekend a briefing document sent to TVNZ presenters was released, revealing that they have been asked to alter their dress code in the new year. “The general rule is no bare arms,” the document warned female presenters, heralding a bold era that we haven’t seen since Victorian England.

We all know that a woman cannot read the news whilst having her arms on display like a harlot. How can anyone focus on the facts when there are entrancing elbows, risque wrists and flirty forearms taunting us? To protect our poor impressionable children, we at The Spinoff have edited our files and censored some of the most shocking (and now banned) bare arms from TVNZ history.

Hardened arm addicts can roll over the images to get an eyeful of the shocking flesh TVNZ doesn’t want you to see. R18 eyes only.

Jenny-May Coffin dug her own grave with this disrespectful flash of forearm during sports. As for Caroline Wozniacki – she’s sure to start a racket in the TVNZ executive suite with those uncovered guns.

A salacious, tenacious display of arm-based man meat during a weather report. Really the pic of destiny.

A right peep show by Nadine Chalmers-Ross.

Choke on a pineapple that’s a lot of arm!

Ever the arm temptress, Nadine simply could not resist this small flash of forearm.

Ian has got his wits about him here, and has covered up accordingly. He’s out on the street for God’s sake, we all know one has to stay covered up to sit outside an upmarket cafe. This isn’t a bloody brothel. But it is what behind him that really turns heads: the brazenly bare arm of a worker inside the building.

Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, but this lot have got our censorship team working overtime.

Even when the arms are covered up, there’s no controlling what some naughty statues in the shot behind you might be revealing. Phwoar.

With another Nadine-inspired sleeve hack, Seven Sharp guest Julia Grace gets away with murder with these cheeky shoulder slits.

Rawdon’s bare arms, seen here with a big fan.

It’s a Christmas miracle that this salacious sleeveless number ever made it to air.

Do not adjust your rabbit ears, the forecast for this particular morning is a strong front of Sam Wallace skin.

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Keep going!