Paige (Photo: FIRST)
Paige (Photo: FIRST)

Pop CultureJuly 13, 2022

Paige’s brush with Biebermania

Paige (Photo: FIRST)
Paige (Photo: FIRST)

The musician tells FIRST about fighting over the Barney bowl, the time she went to the airport to see Justin Bieber and more.

First memory

“My first memory ever is sitting on the couch with all my sisters. Mum had cut up fruit and we’d always fight over who got the best bowl, because we’d have the Barney bowl, the Barbie bowl and then Teletubby bowls, and we’d always fight over the Barney bowl. That’s genuinely my first memory.”

First sport

“My first sport was golf. I was amazing at golf. Still am! It’s so funny when I go to the driving range, everyone’s like, ‘Oh … golf.’ And then I’m like… And they’re like, ‘Oh my God, you’re so good. That’s crazy. I had no idea.’”

First celebrity encounter

“I met Justin Bieber at the airport. This was embarrassingly when I was 19. We went to the airport, waited behind the fence, and no shit, he’s over there, way over there, and we’re all lined up over here. He looks at me dead in the face, and he walks over to one person over there and then he comes right up to me, and he just folds his arms and he goes, ‘What’s up?’ And I was like, ‘What’s up?’ And I copied him. I wish I did something so much better.”

First celebrity crush

“I would say Justin Bieber, but I was lying to myself because I was clearly gay. And then it would’ve been Kristen Stewart. I don’t know why, because she’s so weird in Twilight. Now she’s quite charming, but I knew it. I knew it when she was in Twilight.”

This episode of FIRST was made with support from NZ On Air.

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