Our newest soap stars
Our newest soap stars

Pop CultureAugust 22, 2016

Less Rodeo Drive, more Trade Me? Predictions for the Real Housewives of Auckland

Our newest soap stars
Our newest soap stars

Will The Real Housewives of Auckland meet the glitzy standards of the international franchise? Angella Dravid creates a handy infographic to help us manage our expectations.

The Real Housewives of Auckland will be on our screens tonight. To those unfamiliar with the show, a camera crew follow six wealthy women in Auckland – like Big Brother meets The Kardashians meets Come Dine with Me.

The taglines have been revealed, and as suspected they’re laced with a little poison. Meanwhile on social media, the twitter hashtag #rhoakl is busy with gifs, speculation and selfies (I suspect Gilda may spend the whole series tweeting selfies stuck in traffic). I’ll be interested to see how the housewives use their social media; whether they will slip subtweets/snapchats or Facebook rants while the episodes go on air or whether frustrations are blurted out in the cathartic final episode.

In anticipation of the opening episode, I’ve made an infographic of what I expect (based on watching the American and Australian versions) to what I suspect the reality might be. In any case, I expect memes, gifs, and faux pas moments to blow up and appear on national news.

If my predictions are correct, the final episode will catapult a housewife into both infamy and martyrdom. Thus dividing the nation, and causing an economic collapse of such magnitude, that NZ starts a GoFundMe page. Enjoy. 


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