Inspired by The DNA Detectives, Spinoff staffers Alex and Don embark on a spit-fueled scientific journey to uncovering their deepest genetic secrets.
The finale of DNA Detectives airs on TV One this week, a series that has traced the ancestry of Kiwi personalities from Ray McVinnie to Sonia Gray. Hosted by Richard O’Brien, celebrities are sent around the world on a journey of self-discovery, meeting distant relatives and staring out across local lakes thoughtfully. After episode one, when Ray McVinnie found out that he was related to Elvis, we at The Spinoff were even more enthralled by this strange televisual DNA witchcraft.
Luckily enough, the good science wizards at Ancestry DNA took us onboard and we embarked on our own journeys of scientific discovery. Forget Tame, forget McVinnie, forget O’Brien. We present to you: The DNA Defectives
The finale of The DNA Detectives airs Wednesday on TV One at 9.20pm, or click here to watch on TVNZ Ondemand