
Pop CultureMarch 28, 2017

The Real Pod: Snake vs Plane, Gilda vs Adele and the latest on The Bachelor


Jane Yee, Duncan Greive and Alex Casey gather around the oval table and talk about the latest happenings in New Zealand television and real life in New Zealand.

This week on The Real Pod, Alex, Jane and Duncan open with a disastrous Tim Tam slam before diving right into the latest in reality television and real life in New Zealand. Obviously, week two on The Bachelor NZ saw Zac stand awkwardly next to an outdoor shower, Dom Bowden say “namaste” and Taylar wear a huge comedy jacket.

In other pop culture news, we talk about Richard Branson’s random visit to Godzone, Adele taking Mount Smart by storm (literally) and the snake that flew here to see it all go down. It’s been a bad week for Gilda Kirkpatrick, a worse one for Matty McLean and a great one for Max Key corner. Also, we review The Scott Base Pinot Project wines and talk so much more. Too much more.

Download the podcast here (right click to save). Feel free to subscribe via iTunes, RSS or via your favourite podcast client, and be sure to get involved on social media using #realpod

This content, like all television coverage we do at The Spinoff, is brought to you thanks to the excellent folk at Lightbox. Do us and yourself a favour by clicking here to start a FREE 30 day trial of this truly wonderful service.

Keep going!
Yumi Zouma mix

Pop CultureMarch 28, 2017

The Spinoff Mix: Yumi Zouma’s ‘Dissipating Summer’

Yumi Zouma mix

Auckland and Brooklyn-based dreamy/electro/synth/pop band Yumi Zoumi bid farewell to summer with an exclusive mix for The Spinoff.

Seasons don’t change much in New Zealand comparative to other places. You could be forgiven for missing the subtle changes in the weather, but you would really have to be trying to miss things if you couldn’t feel the change in energy in New Zealand as autumn arrives.

The start of the year is met with such optimism and, unlike the northern hemisphere, good weather too. The Blackcaps are playing at home which means they’ll beat any team that would pummel them elsewhere. You get up early and you go to bed late. You think about what you were doing last summer, who you were waking up with and the nights you spent. But, like all good things, summer is unpredictable and inevitably ends.

Here’s a mix we put together as half of us bid farewell to summer and the other half are just ramping up.

Be good to one another.

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Hiroshi Yoshimura – ‘Rain Out Of Window’

Alessandro Alessandroni – ‘Autumn Song’

Max Richter – ‘Dream 3 (In the Midst of my Life)’

TUC – ‘4X5 83X2’

Equals (OST) – ‘Ending’

William Basinski – The Disintegration Loops

Nicolas Jaar – ‘And I Say’ ft. Scout Larue and Will Epstein

Toro Y Moi – ‘Talamak’

Michael Price – ‘Easter’

Peter Jefferies / Jono Lonie – ‘At Swim 2 Birds’

Scott Walker – ‘Two Ragged Soldiers’

Soft Lashes – ‘Heart 2 Heart’

Bibio – ‘À Tout à L’heure'(taken from forthcoming album Silver Wilkinson)

Yves Montand – ‘Les Feuilles Mortes’

G. Ligeti – ‘Étude n.6 Autumn in Warsaw’ (Leonardo Pierdomenico, Piano)

 Yumi Zouma play Wellington, Auckland, and Christchurch in April. Buy tickets here.

The Spinoff’s music content is brought to you by our friends at Spark. Listen to all the music you love on Spotify Premium, it’s free on all Spark’s Pay Monthly Mobile plans. Sign up and start listening today.

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