Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray

SocietySeptember 28, 2019

Photo essay: Climate strike in Auckland, New Zealand

Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray

Over 170,000 people went on strike for the climate crisis across New Zealand yesterday. Photographer Sylvie Whinray was in Aotea Square, Auckland, along with 80,000 others.

Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Photo: Sylvie Whinray
Keep going!