As long ago as 2014 Barack Obama was contemplating the perfect tweet about New Zealand. Photo Cory Lum/Getty Images
As long ago as 2014 Barack Obama was contemplating the perfect tweet about New Zealand. Photo Cory Lum/Getty Images

SocietyMarch 29, 2018

How long is it since Barack Obama hasn’t tweeted about New Zealand?

As long ago as 2014 Barack Obama was contemplating the perfect tweet about New Zealand. Photo Cory Lum/Getty Images
As long ago as 2014 Barack Obama was contemplating the perfect tweet about New Zealand. Photo Cory Lum/Getty Images

It is only a matter of time until the former US president bestows upon a humble nation some upbeat social media content. Here we measure that matter of time.

Incontrovertibly, Barack Obama’s recent visit to New Zealand, during which he travelled the length and breadth of two golf courses, was a massive boon to this proud South Pacific nation. “From a tourism perspective the reality is there’s 100 million people who follow him,” said his geopolitical bestie, golf twin, former All Black and Air New Zealand pilot John Key.

And who could argue with that? When that tweet comes, as inevitably it will, there will be an immediate upsurge in the New Zealand economy, and more importantly, in the New Zealand ego.


How the Obama tweet is likely to look

Barack Obama’s private jet flew out of Auckland at noon on March 23. The tweet, it is coming. Stay tuned, and keep refreshing.

Keep going!