Almost three-quarters of mayoral candidates are opposed to Three Waters reforms. (Photo: RNZ)
Almost three-quarters of mayoral candidates are opposed to Three Waters reforms. (Photo: RNZ)

The BulletinSeptember 21, 2022

The battle between local and central government

Almost three-quarters of mayoral candidates are opposed to Three Waters reforms. (Photo: RNZ)
Almost three-quarters of mayoral candidates are opposed to Three Waters reforms. (Photo: RNZ)

With a laundry list of critical issues like water infrastructure and housing to address, consensus between local and central government seems like a pipe dream, writes Anna Rawhiti-Connell in The Bulletin


Relationship between local and central government critical

In a recent piece from the Herald’s Simon Wilson (paywalled), he lists questions he wants to ask Auckland mayoral candidate Wayne Brown. One of those is how Brown proposes to work with central government, citing Brown’s failure to get government on board with a review of the future of the port in Auckland in 2018. As we know, the future of the port remains undecided. Wilson’s question is important in the present day context of the mayoral race in Auckland but it’s also demonstrative of how important that relationship is for the sake of getting anything done in New Zealand, whether it be initiated by local or central government.

Three quarters of mayoral candidates don’t think Three Waters is right way forward

Right now, the relationship doesn’t seem to be in the best shape. Results of a Local Democracy Reporting survey yesterday found 75.3% of mayoral candidates don’t think the Three Waters reforms are the best way to achieve the investment that is sorely needed in water infrastructure. Both the Auckland and Christchurch councils are pushing back on housing density rules. The Detail covered this issue well yesterday. What a time to be alive when someone is describing “people on the sidelines with popcorn” in the battle between the government and Christchurch city council. The Act party leader and deputy leader are headed to Christchurch to get amongst it, with a public meeting on the issue planned for Thursday. Government says it’s willing to chat options. In his newsletter for subscribers yesterday morning, Bernard Hickey indicates there are signs the bipartisan densification pact may be softened.

Calls to clarify what power council has following statement on productive land

In 2019/2020, total revenue for councils in New Zealand was $13.9b. For the government that same year it was $116b. The government has far greater spending power than councils and you can see the appeal of centralisation and reform driven from Wellington as infrastructure deficits grow and costs rise. On the other hand, criticism about decision-making in Wellington and its distance from parts of New Zealand is valid. Recent government moves to protect productive land from housing development have been met by calls to clarify exactly what power council has in Auckland. You have to wonder why that wasn’t clarified with councils prior to the statement being put out.

Shuffle between central and local government stymies progress

Hickey has also summed up what he thinks is magical thinking from the government on that particular issue. His exasperation is palpable. The constant shuffle between central and local government stymies progress in a country as small as New Zealand. It’s almost unavoidable that local issues get framed through the lens of battles about big national issues here but according to this from the London School of Economics, that’s not necessarily good for how people feel about local democracy. In my area, all local election billboards are being defaced, but the ones with clear government association seem to be suffering from more regular attempts to poke out the candidates’ eyes. That can not be a good sign for local candidates or central government, or indeed anyone hoping for an aligned vision on how we might tackle our biggest challenges.

Keep going!