It’s been a year (Image: Tina Tiller)
It’s been a year (Image: Tina Tiller)

The BulletinDecember 25, 2020

The Bulletin’s 2020 Year in News Quiz

It’s been a year (Image: Tina Tiller)
It’s been a year (Image: Tina Tiller)

Good morning, and welcome to The Bulletin’s 2020 Year in News Quiz. Merry Christmas. 

It’s back again – The Bulletin’s Christmas Day Year in News Quiz is here, due to popular demand following last year’s edition. If you look around your Christmas gathering this year and remember which of your beloved family got more answers right last time, now’s the time to get your revenge.

It’s fair to say you probably missed a few bits and pieces that happened this year – it was, after all, a pretty big one for news. There were a couple of elections, some good juicy council drama, some big policy announcements, sports competitions, scandals, triumphs, and the small matter of a global pandemic totally upending life as we know it.

But if you’ve been keeping up with the Bulletin over 2020, you might have a decent chance at getting a good score here. And if you didn’t and get a bad score, don’t worry – that’s just evidence that you’ve been kind to yourself this year by not relentlessly chomping through news. And if you need the answers, just scroll way down the page.

Quiz not working in the app? Click here for the web version

Answers to follow below this charming picture of dogs at polling booths. No cheating!











And now for the answers:

  1. Michael Woodhouse (though he did lose the health portfolio)
  2. Te Puna (Muller’s home town)
  3. Kelvin Davis (and he still is after the election too)
  4. Tauranga City
  5. The Opportunities Party (who beat the New Conservatives by about 0.03%)
  6. China
  7. Ute drivers
  8. Dr Simon Thornley, who found an interesting sort of fame fronting for the ‘Plan B’ campaign against lockdowns
  9. Democratic Presidency, Republican House, Democratic Senate (though the 2nd one could change after Georgia’s runoff elections)
  10. Beth Houlbrooke (She was ranked 13th)
  11. The Greens
  12. Lower Hutt mayor Campbell Barry (who did all the hard work getting to the line)
  13. Butchers (and many had to throw out a lot of meat as a result)
  14. None (the trial was scrapped anyway)
  15. False, Paul Goldsmith is not Māori
Keep going!