A new poem by Tauranga poet Marcel Currin.
Riding home from work
I’d been dreaming about the soft edges of the road.
It was a radio dream. The voices were upside down.
Something on the ground was interesting to them.
Later I was awake. I don’t know when.
My eyes were loaded with fog.
Each blink reset the universe with a thud.
It was a blank, jostling space.
We were somewhere in the cosmos.
Stars and planets murmured beyond the walls.
I noticed the idea of an ambulance.
A woman’s face was buffering.
She was making words into reassuring shapes.
She told me gently of a man who’d been hit by a car.
It seemed important
like someone was having a really bad day.
The Friday Poem is edited by Ashleigh Young. Submissions are welcome at thefridaypoem@gmail.com