(AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND OUT) Man walking out of a suburban corner store (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images)
(AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND OUT) Man walking out of a suburban corner store (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images)

BooksFebruary 10, 2017

The Friday poem: ‘Palaces’ by Mary Macpherson

(AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND OUT) Man walking out of a suburban corner store (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images)
(AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND OUT) Man walking out of a suburban corner store (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images)

New verse by Wellington poet Mary Macpherson




When it became warmer, we mooned over lost flowers


Iit again amongst hunks of grass. We found marbles


behind the dresser and remembered palaces


in distant swirls of colour. Shops meant something too.


We love the fierce desire for the things and the beautiful


imaginary self. Almost overnight, the sad-faced dairy


became a darkened window with a spot-lit bath,


then leapt to its future as a dog grooming establishment.


She thought of summers when buying three pairs of togs


was as normal as sand. I loved the idea of silver gates


guarding our wishes. They were forever before us –


lights down a suburban street, the dark flesh of leaves,


petals like dancers in a sodium night.





Keep going!