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Photo: Getty Images

BooksDecember 18, 2020

The Friday Poem: End Poem by Michael Hall

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

The last Friday Poem for 2020 is by Dunedin poet Michael Hall.

End Poem

Not everything falls
or fails;
rocket ships still roar
into the next world
like a boy
after feeding the dog
one cool evening
twelve years old
the sun fading face
of an unwalled barn
clutching for
terse straw,
in that season’s
lost heart
the taut twine –
then finding
higher up now
gaps, feeling
between bales
unplanned places
no adult sought
or fought for
before clambering
into dark



The Friday Poem is edited by Chris Tse. Submissions are currently closed and will open again in early 2021.

Keep going!