
BooksSeptember 29, 2017

The Friday Poem: ‘Thread’ by Bill Manhire


New verse by Wellington writer Bill Manhire.




A new poem. Wow just wow

A new poem that no one will forget any time soon.

A new poem. I think it’s important.

I wrote a new poem. You’ll be amazed at what happened next.

It’s all about momentum

A new poem #maintainingthebrand

A new poem. This is huge. #worldstage

Artisanal! Granular!

Another new poem. Hello world!

Actually two new poems! just sayin

had to dig deep


If you like my new poem, let me know below the line

I think my new poem will drop your jaw

nothing inside the tube until you squeeze it!

actually a sonnet. poem of two halves

Several other poems I have been writing are unavoidably held over.

I wrote a new poem. Simple as that.

another new poem. because I’m worth it

Another new poem! goodbye reclusive genius!

I think this poem will get so much love

wanna tattoo it on my body!

backing my skill-sets!

nailed it!

new poem: must call the focus group together

thought leadership!

Another new one. Building great product here!

every line is a whole new startup

doing the business

Give that man a beer!

A new poem – punching above my weight.


#newpoem Highly relatable!

I wrote a new poem. But is poem even a thing any more?

ok maybe needs refreshing

Pimptacular moves tho

big blasts of nectar

27 other poems by me that will leave you speechless



new poem! smoke on the water!

the new poem: I think it’s going to be *necessary*

man here in search of the truth!

always thinking about reader outcomes


future-proof the poem!

a new poem. this one’s woah

always chasing the fire engine

New on my blog: my ten best poems about myself

Will I finish this new poem. It’s down to the wire

yes yes yes

Each line is crystalline!

see what I did there!?

#fullygeared #amwriting


#newpoem #newpoem #newpoem


Bill Manhire, 2017

Keep going!