You’ve heard our comedy co-editors picks, and no doubt you’ll be hearing what your favourite Bachelor runner-up’s comedy festival picks are in the coming months. But what about the normal people? What do they want to see?
We know what it’s like. You see that 50 page Comedy Fest brochure while you’re waiting for your coffee, and you might flick through in the hope that Rhys Darby has a show in the festival this year (he doesn’t). There’s a show your co-worker wants to check out because they saw the comedian on 7 Days and repeated the joke that comedian made five times at the watercooler the next day. You want to see a show because you generally like laughing and sometimes you want to pay for the privilege, but you don’t trust the picks of the cultural elite (hi!) because what do they know about comedy?
Well, we’ve got you covered. These are the picks of people just like you (if you decided to be friends with us, be related to us or be a national treasure, that is):
Tom, camera dude
These are energetic, sweaty and funny boys. Check out their YouTube videos.
Tim Batt: Ladies and Gentlemen
Co-host of The Worst Idea of All Time podcast. Loved his show last year, and can’t wait to see this one.
Guy Montgomery: Let’s All Get In A Room Together
Also co-host of The Worst Idea of All Time podcast. I like the part where he yells.
Ron Hoyland, comedy co-editor Natasha’s dad
Skye Pathare, The Spinoff’s friendly social media manager
7 Days: “7 Days Vs The Lions” Special
I love 7 Days!
Angella Dravid: Down The Rabbit Hole
Because I met her at a party and she seemed nice.
Because their 2am FB messenger conversations are miles better than mine
Great surname, greater hair.
Kaan, a cool-as graphic designer
Loved him since Bitch in Apt 23. Relevant!
Parker & Sainsbury: D.O.C.ING
It’s Parker & Sainsbury. That’s all the reason I need tbh.
Rose Matafeo: Sassy Best Friend
To steal your phrase (Editor’s note: thanks!), Rose Matafeo is aggressively to my taste.
Paul Williams: Summertime Love
I’m so curious about what he’s going to do… I can’t really imagine it really. Whatever he does I’m sure it’ll be dry AF
Basement Theatre Preview Show
Kind of a cop-out because I can’t decide between Alice Snedden, Fuq Boiz, Frickin Dangerous Bro, Guy Williams,etc so I’m going full sampler.
Tanya Barlow, of Hello Tanya instagram fame
Ohhh shoot I haven’t even thought about it much! Off the top of my head, Aunty Donna, Laura/Joseph, Paul Williams as the musical/performance portion of my picks. I feel boring, I’m just gonna see my mates! Rose for sure, Alice Snedden, Donna and Angella. Will try to catch some live podcasts because I missed out and they seem fun
Suzy Cato, of Suzy Cato fame
Stand Up For Kids
My number 1 pick would be 1,2 and 3, because there are technically three shows :o)
I love Stand Up For Kids. It’s for kids; it’s in a cool little theatre and it’s funny – kid funny – and that’s the best kind of fun. This year the shows are hosted by the wonderful Tessa Waters and Chris Parker and although the line up hasn’t been confirmed at this stage, if it’s anything like previous years’ (Simon McKinney, Jamie Bowen, Fred the Clown, in particular) it should be good!
Whilst Nick’s show wasn’t created for kids, this very talented man’s take on life in the married lane is very funny and one we can all relate to. His humour is also clean and whilst potty mouth can be pretty bloody hilarious, your mum won’t need to wash your ears out with soap after Nick’s gig.
Class Comedians Showcase
Ok, definitely not for kids, but the line-up is made of the secondary school students who have taken part in the Comedy Festivals’ Class Comedians programme. These kids are fresh out of the classroom and may be making one of their first ever stage performances. That is soooo exciting and they deserve a big, welcoming, supportive crowd as they get out there and get their funny on.
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