
1Q Quiz

Welcome to The Spinoff’s 1Q Quiz.

How to play

  • Every night at midnight, a new question will be loaded. There is only one question each 24 hours.
  • The question is multi-choice and your answer is timed. The faster the answer, the better.
  • If you answer correctly on the first attempt, congratulations you get a gold medal.
  • If you answer correctly on the second attempt, congratulations you get a silver medal.
  • If you answer correctly on the third attempt, congratulations you get a bronze medal. 
  • If you fail after three attempts, come back tomorrow and try again on the next question.


  • If you play 1Q on the same device, your streak (including golds, silvers and bronzes, and consecutive days answered correctly) will be recorded.
  • Log in to keep your streak even after clearing your cache or playing on a different device. Not a member? Join up here.

The leaderboard

  • Every day, the three fastest logged in players will receive glory on the 1Q leaderboard. Screenshot it quickly, before someone beats your time.

Happy quizzing and see you on the leaderboard.