Photo: Emma Boyd
Photo: Emma Boyd

KaiFebruary 19, 2023

Recipe: Charred corn with lime and smoked paprika butter

Photo: Emma Boyd
Photo: Emma Boyd

Got a vegetarian coming to the barbecue? Treat them to this sweet and charred meat-free delight. 

Fresh corn is such a wonderful treat, and even more wonderful when you’ve grown it yourself. Though I didn’t grow the corn in the photo myself, I know the person who did. She lives around the corner from us on a large piece of land in the centre of our wee town, Inglewood. Every year she plants thousands of ears of corn which she sells from her garage at the front of her beautifully landscaped garden. As the summer creeps on and February approaches, we wait in anticipation for the sign she hangs when the corn is ready. Adorned with big red lettering, it boldly announces the beginning of the corn season.

The anticipation that builds waiting for it to reach maturity, combined with knowledge of where it’s grown and who has grown it (in addition to the fact that it is spray-free), makes her corn all the more sweet. And while it is delicious simply steamed and eaten as is, the addition of lime and smoked paprika-spiked butter add a welcome hit of flavour to this versatile vegetable.


Serves 4-6

  • 50g butter, softened
  • Zest 1 lime, plus extra lime wedges to serve
  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 4 cobs corn
  • Coriander to serve

Pre-heat the barbecue or a griddle plate on the stove. Put the butter, lime zest and smoked paprika into a little bowl and mash together with a fork until well combined. Lay the corn, still in its husk, on the barbecue or griddle plate and cook, turning regularly until it is charred on all sides. You can peel a little of the husk back to check that the corn is cooked if you are unsure. Once cooked, peel the corn and serve with the spiced butter and some chopped coriander.


Keep going!