Slow-roasted tomatoes with basil and feta (Photo: Emma Boyd
Slow-roasted tomatoes with basil and feta (Photo: Emma Boyd

KaiOctober 24, 2021

Recipe: Slow-roasted tomatoes with feta and basil

Slow-roasted tomatoes with basil and feta (Photo: Emma Boyd
Slow-roasted tomatoes with basil and feta (Photo: Emma Boyd

Whether you wait for the summer glut to hit or use this recipe now to coax out the flavour of those not-so-tasty off-season toms, it’s a winner. 

There is nothing quite like long, slow cooking to bring out the flavour and sweetness of tomatoes. This is a wonderful recipe as it contains just a handful of ingredients, requires very little work and yet results in an incredibly tasty starter or snack. I know tomato season is not quite upon us yet but now you have this recipe up your sleeve you will be ready when the glut hits!


Serves 4-6 as a starter

  • 600g small truss tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 75g feta
  • good handful basil leaves to serve

Preheat the oven to 150°C. Cut the tomatoes in half. I left mine attached to their stalks where I could as I think they look pretty served this way.

Arrange cut side up in an oven-proof dish. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with the brown sugar before seasoning with sea salt. 

Put in the oven and roast for 1½ hours. Arrange the tomatoes on a platter or serving plate, scatter with the feta and basil and serve with bread or crackers. 

Keep going!