
MediaSeptember 18, 2020

Podcast: Unpacking the shocking NZ On Air audience survey with its new CEO


The Fold host Duncan Greive speaks to NZ On Air’s new chief executive Cameron Harland about his first six months in the job and the findings of the recent Where Are the Audiences? report.

Cameron Harland started his new job as the chief executive of NZ On Air in March, the week before the country went into level four lockdown. Duncan has wanted to get him on The Fold to pick his brain about the ins and outs of NZ On Air’s unique funding model ever since.

In a follow-up to the previous episode of The Fold, which looked at the highlights of NZ On Air’s recent Where are the Audiences? survey, Cameron Harland joined The Fold via Skype from Wellington this week to talk through the findings of the survey, how NZ On Air is adapting to serve increasingly fragmented audiences, and the challenges of operating through Covid-19.

Listen here, or download this episode (right click and save). Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, RSS or via your favourite podcast provider.

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