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NewsJanuary 13, 2015

I Think a Change Is What I Need: The Shortland Street 2015 Makeovers

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With the return of Shortland Street last night, Alex Casey breaks down some of the new summer looks in Ferndale for 2015. //

The first episode of Shortland Street for the new year aired last night, and boy did it provide summery excellence. The episode was fizzing with holiday vibes: Garrett ate half a sandwich (probably cutting for next summer’s RnV), Bella came back from sunny Australia and Nicole remained in her relaxed siesta (sorry Nicole).

But nothing hammered the summery “new year, new me” sentiment home more than the characters who have changed up their summer wardrobe. The Shortland Street stylists have clearly been upping their game to bring us the new looks for 2015. Spoiler: there will be florals.

Here’s a summary of the most transfixing transformations:

Unnamed Baby Transformation
That in-utero look is so 2014. The anonymous baby of Nicole and Vinny has had a makeover in the sense that it has shed its tacky womb aesthetic and embraced a new, fresh air look for 2015. We welcome it’s bizarre creaky noises to the quiet suburban streets of Ferndale.

Dallas’ City Boy Transformation
What has happened to Dallas? Since his wild sexy calendar photo shoot and break-up with Bella, he has been made over to look like a “city boy.” Now, I don’t know much about fashion, but I never equated ‘being in the city’ with wearing a weird woven belt and a bright yellow polo shirt. His new look was revealed in the greatest pan of all time, from his polished leather loafers all the way to his slicked back ‘do. Like a poor man’s James Dean.

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Dallas would later don some painfully floral shirts, which might as well have been buttoned right over his head. The loud pattern paired with his bulging muscles makes for an interesting “magic eye” effect. If you look closely enough and blur your eyes a little, you can see a giraffe doing a backflip.

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Chris’ Beachy Pocket Transformation
Chris has had a summery bach makeover after escaping there with Hazza over the New Year. We know he has been on holiday because of his Hawaiian print pocket that he has clearly sewn on his dowdy old non-summer grey t-shirt. You are going to need to do more than that to win Rachel back, buddy.

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Rachel’s Outrageous White Jean Transformation
Since her sordid affair with Garrett began, Rachel has taken to wearing these crisp white ‘affair jeans’. I don’t know what she’s doing.

I had a sneaking suspicion white jeans were bad so I took to Yahoo answers to find out. I am told by a user that if it’s sunny, your underpants will be visible. Very poor choice for summer Rachel.

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Vinnie’s Crib Transformation
With Nicole still having a kip (sorry Nicole), Vinny and Leanne moved their things into their new home with the help of Ula and Kylie. It looks like a great new space, glad to see Ula getting the candlestick in order before they have any furniture.

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As always, the Shortland Street costume and art department have outdone themselves – bear in mind that these were filmed months ago. Their goal of bringing sizzling summer to Ferndale has not been in vain.

And don’t think we haven’t noticed Kylie’s skin go at least two shades darker. That’s true commitment to the cause right there.

Watch the first episode of Shortland Street on TVNZ Ondemand here

Keep going!