(Illustration: Daylight)
(Illustration: Daylight)

PartnersFebruary 5, 2024

A plan for a flourishing Aotearoa is here

(Illustration: Daylight)
(Illustration: Daylight)

The relationship between the people and the environment of Aotearoa is out of balance. Is there a better path forward?

Me Tū ā-Uru is an action plan outlining a pathway towards a future that supports strong relationships between New Zealanders and te taiao.

The vision? “A flourishing and abundant taiao that sustains and nurtures all people of Aotearoa. Tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti valuing, being informed by and in good relationship with Papatūānuku and each other.”

Written and illustrated by Daylight in collaboration with Me Tū ā-Uru.

A flourishing and abundant taiao is one that sustains and nurtures all people and living things in Aotearoa. This vision is one of tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti valuing and being informed by Papatūānuku and each other.

Me Tū ā-Uru was written by a working group of Māori researchers and practitioners co-led by Maria Bargh and Carwyn Jones, as part of New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge.

Keep going!