
PartnersJune 18, 2017

A Little Mix superfan almost talks to Little Mix


Kate Robertson has been pursuing an interview with Little Mix ever since they announced their Auckland show late last year. Three weeks ago, she kind of almost got there.

A few weeks ago I was offered the holy grail, a phone interview with not one, but TWO members of Little Mix (I know, it’s as unbelievable to you as it was to me). Shellshocked, I did what any die-hard fan would do, I purchased some Rescue Remedy and proceeded to spend the following 48 hours trying not to nervous spew.

By the time the morning of the interview rolled around I looked like what I can only liken to a dying hedgehog. Red eyes, frazzled hair, and wrinkles in places I didn’t know was possible at the tender age of 22. I’d narrowed down my 62 questions down to just 10, and was ready to spend an entire ten minutes maintaining the utmost professionalism and expertly holding in how much of a fan I was.

Only it wasn’t to be. There was an absolute meltdown with the phone lines and not even the big shot radio stations got their time. I’d aged at least five years over my two days of stewing for nothing.

Luckily for you and I, the story didn’t end there and being the saintly humans they are, Little Mix’s management offered to pose the questions to the band themselves and promptly send them back. It seemed an offer to good to be true, and after having my dreams shattered just hours before, to say I was feeling skeptical would be an understatement (weren’t they busy jumping from BBC Radio 1 Big Weekend to iHeart Festival and back again?).

Well, it is with great pleasure that I can announce they proved me wrong because Little Mix transcend us normal humans on every level. Albeit brief, they replied, and I was blown away all over again.

As for that phone interview, I’m not quite ready to give up my pursuit just yet. Watch this space mates.  

Glory Days feels like your strongest, most powerful, resilient album yet, and that’s what I’ve found has resonated with people across a range of demographics. To you, what’s the most special part of that album?

What we really love about the Glory Days album is how honest it is and that we have created positive songs from personal experiences in our own lives that our fans can relate to.

Is it sometimes hard being such pillars of strength 24/7 for other people, especially young women, when you live such a public life?

You have to remember that you’re also a normal person too, but we feel very lucky to be able to say that we have a positive impact on our fans.

What have you found is the secret to a great pop song?

A killer chorus, relatable lyrics and we love to include some sort of chant for fans to be able to sing along to with us!

You’ve always had incredible music videos and wardrobing to accompany your singles, are those both things you find really enjoyable as well?

The styling is really fun because we can use it to express our personalities, we’re very involved in working with our stylists who are brilliant. Shoot days can be very long but we have so much fun. The best part about music videos is getting an edit back and seeing it come together!

Now that you have been a group for so long, could you ever imagine doing this alone and being a solo artist? Not having three best friends on-stage with you all the time?

It would be so weird being a solo artist! In a girl band, you get used to being with each other all of the time both on and off the stage, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

What song should I learn the choreography to and teach all my friends before the Auckland show? So we can really get the dancefloor pumping?

Shout Out To My Ex, it’s a real anthem that everybody can get into with us!

Little Mix plays Spark Arena on July 30, by which point Kate definitely will have learned the Shout Out To My Ex choreography in its entirety. Spark customers can enter to win tickets to the concert here

Keep going!