PodcastsJuly 13, 2018

Waterdeep Mountain High: School is Good, part 2


Welcome back to Waterdeep Mountain High, a Dungeons & Dragons podcast set in a below average school in the mystical land of Faerun.

“I’ve decided to use the only thing left in my arsenal…my sexuality.”

A fight-filled episode as our heroes try to destroy some book monsters while Forrest attempts to heal the heart of a lonely librarian. Also Alice has a wedding to get to.

Starring Nic Sampson, Paul Williams, Alice Snedden, Ray O’Leary and Brynley Stent.

To listen use the player below or download this episode (right click and save)Feel free to subscribe via iTunes to the RSS or via your favourite podcast client.

This post, like all our gaming content, comes to your peepers only with the support of Bigpipe Broadband

Keep going!