Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)
Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)

PoliticsJuly 6, 2023

Gone By Lunchtime: Chris Hipkins and the Kiri Allan conundrum

Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)
Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)

Our political podcasters assess the latest ministerial controversy.

Just a few days after the resignation of Michael Wood saw her awarded the associate finance portfolio, adding to an already substantial ministerial mix, Kiri Allan found herself at the centre of a series of stories about her working relationships with staff. Among the allegations was an anonymous account from a senior public servant of a minister who “yelled and screamed” so loudly on the phone she could be heard by others around the staffer getting an earful.

In a new episode of the Spinoff’s politics podcast, Gone By Lunchtime, Toby Manhire, Ben Thomas and Annabelle Lee-Mather discuss the nature of the allegations and what makes them unusual, the pressure on Allan, and the poly-distractions confronting Chris Hipkins.

Also this week: the National Party has doubled down on law and let slip an audacious target of 45%. How did the prime minister get on walking the tightrope in China, and what will he face in the imminent trip to Europe? What is the mood on the ground in one of the most exciting electorate battles, Ikaroa-Rāwhiti?

And the big question as the 2023 countdown groans ahead: Who has correctly counted the number of days to the election – Toby Manhire or Mike Hosking?

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