Wait! Before you scroll down, see if can you guess which of these dogs is attached to which of the following politicians: Tamati Coffey, Marama Davidson, Phil Goff, Trevor Mallard, Chris Bishop, Judith Collins.
Wait! Before you scroll down, see if can you guess which of these dogs is attached to which of the following politicians: Tamati Coffey, Marama Davidson, Phil Goff, Trevor Mallard, Chris Bishop, Judith Collins.

PoliticsJanuary 17, 2020

Hell yes it’s time for more pictures of New Zealand politicians’ dogs

Wait! Before you scroll down, see if can you guess which of these dogs is attached to which of the following politicians: Tamati Coffey, Marama Davidson, Phil Goff, Trevor Mallard, Chris Bishop, Judith Collins.
Wait! Before you scroll down, see if can you guess which of these dogs is attached to which of the following politicians: Tamati Coffey, Marama Davidson, Phil Goff, Trevor Mallard, Chris Bishop, Judith Collins.

Inspired by Winston Peters’ dog and muse, Beau, a range of other dogs have urged their politician owners to get them in the Spinoff gallery. Drool away.

For the second time in a week, The Spinoff is bringing together New Zealand’s politician and dog communities in celebration. On Tuesday we published the epochal, soft-hitting, smash hit post “Just seven heartwarming pictures of Winston Peters and his dog, Beau”. Hearts across the country melted like a Fruju multipack left too long in the boot.

This was content so medicinal you might well bottle it and call it Beau Repairs.

It even reached a celebrity audience: Beau himself. It’s like Black Mirror but for chocolate labs.

We asked readers: Do you want more politicians’ dog content? A whopping 66% said yes, give us more politicians’ dog content, and only 34% had hearts of ice or allergy issues.

And so, as we farewell the silly season on this, the official last day before Susie Ferguson and Mike Hosking have to go back to work and wake up the news, we present, NZ Politicians and their Dogs, Part 2.

Speaker of the house and New Zealand’s leading baby whisperer, Trevor Mallard, was quick off the mark, setting the bar impossibly high with three pooches that look very much like they just stepped out of a salon.

This trio is so cute they might as well shut down Tux Wonder Dogs forever. They know their light, they know their angles. Stop it.

Another message from Hutt Valley galloped in like a dog chasing a frisbee. Here’s National MP Chris Bishop and Ladyhawke.

Here’s Phil Goff, mayor of Auckland. Keen to hear Beau’s thoughts on Belle.

Labour MP Tamati Coffey came in scorching with a seasonal special. Anzac! Ali! Whatever you need, it’s yours.

There is no issue that transcends party politics quite like dogs. But, still, where is the Green Party? Here it is. Co-leader Marama Davidson sent us the full slide show, and god bless her for it. Presenting: Nala.

Last, unquestionably not least, harmoniously, exquisitely, it’s Judith Collins and Holly. End the year now, we’re done.

Keep going!