Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)
Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)

PoliticsJuly 19, 2023

Gone By Lunchtime: Hipkins scratches the switch

Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)
Gone By Lunchtime (Image: Tina Tiller)

A new episode of our politics podcast assesses Chris Hipkins’ captain’s call on a wealth tax, and a flurry of pre-campaign activity.

Chris Hipkins has dashed the hopes of some of his most senior colleagues and Labour progressives by driving a nail into the coffin of a wealth tax or new capital gains tax, pledging that there will be none of any of that under his leadership. Is that a surprise, and what does it say about the state of the party and the campaign? Ben Thomas, Annabelle Lee-Mather and Toby Manhire ponder this and many other questions in a new episode of Gone By Lunchtime.

Also on the list after a busy patch of pre-campaign activity:

  • Labour launch a slogan and a week of law and order policy
  • National growls at potholes and offers KiwiSaver solutions to rental bonds
  • the Greens pledge to return stolen Māori land
  • the Dawn Raids report that made the apology ring hollow
  • the major parties on course for their worst combined result since 2002.

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