
PoliticsSeptember 23, 2017

8.25pm: The most intriguing electorates so far


Election Night 2017: Duncan Greive scrolls down the electorates in play – including some big name potential casualties.

So far tonight I have drunk three low alcohol beers and clicked ‘refresh’ on the electorate status page of the election results website approx 1000 times. It’s a very, very bad way to consume the election, please no one follow me into this hell.

Here is what I’ve learned thus far:

Shane Jones is a very bad campaigner

He was meant to be the next leader of New Zealand First. But after appearing to fall asleep at our debate, he’s trailing in third in Whangarei.

Te Ururoa Flavell is in grave danger

He’s trailing Tamati Coffey in Waiariki by 400 votes, and has been the whole night. While Howie Tamati is fighting hard in Te Tai Hauāuru, he’s trailing too. This could be the end of the Māori Party.

Winston Peters might be relying on the list

He took Northland in a byelection, and has showered it in campaign promise gold since. Yet as of writing he narrowly trails National’s Matt King.

Labour’s Kiri Allan might unseat a minister

She trails Anne Tolley by a handful of votes in East Coast. Given that her partner went into labour during the campaign that’s a pretty extraordinary result.

Nikki Kaye is hanging by a thread

In recent times she’s fought off the formidable Jacinda Ardern, and must have breathed a sigh of relief when the Labour leader shifted to Mt Albert. But she trailed in Auckland Central early, and only holds a slender lead now.

Chris Bishop is not looking like an electorate MP

Chris Bishop is personable rising star within National, and was a narrow favourite to take Hutt South, the seat vacated by Trevor Mallard. Yet after leading early he now trails Ginny Andersen.

An earlier version of this story stated that Kiri Allen gave birth during the campaign, when in fact it was her partner.

Keep going!