In the lead-up to Show Me Shorts 2016, we pick one local film from their illustrious back catalogue, courtesy of our TV sponsors at Lightbox.
Dump, from the 2012 Shorts catalogue, dares to look at what happens when kids are forced to spend the day with Dad. Eleven year old Utah is dropped at the dump by his mum and stepdad, to spend the day with his Dad, Orlando. Utah’s voice-over commentary is wry and reminiscent of every young child who has been dropped off to school in a scrappy car or worn hand me down clothes.
Initially embarrassed of his Dad in every way, something we’ve all felt at some point, Utah slowly learns that perhaps his Dad isn’t as bad as he always thought. It’s a realisation that not everyone is lucky enough to experience and makes for a funny and heartwarming short to watch this Father’s Day.