The Real Pod assembles to dissect the week in New Zealand pop culture and real life, with special thanks to Nando’s.
On this week’s Real Pod, Alex is exiled to snowy South Island (like foot island, but lower), leaving Jane and Duncan to struggle on as a duo. Jane’s already daunting task of hosting without Alex is made immeasurably harder by Duncan’s now-familiar unfamiliarity with much of the week’s reality TV.
This makes for an extended Real News, highlighted (highlit?) by the discovery that Heartbreak Island received subsidies from both the NZ and Fijian governments – and that its star Josh is also a topless waiter. From there the hapless duo bang a couple of nails into The Block, feast on Survivor and find fading love for Heartbreak Island. All this plus your familiar faves Max Key Corner, Keeping up with the Hoskings and probably some others.
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