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Pop CultureJune 15, 2024

‘Your exit song for any party’: Ringlets share their perfect weekend playlist


Post-punk quartet Ringlets share the songs that would soundtrack their perfect weekend. 

Picture this: it’s 11am on a Sunday morning, the sun is out, and you’re tending to the garden while listening to ‘New Life’ by Ringlets on repeat. This is the optimal way to enjoy the new single from the enigmatic post-punk quartet, lead guitarist László Reynolds says. The song’s riffs were “cobbled together in a wacky tuning” to avoid having to retune his guitar so much during live sets, he explains. “The rest was built up from that.”

With the single now available on limited edition 7” vinyl, Ringlets recently played at Junk Fest (“the best line up of a single evening in 2024 so far”) and are planning to debut even more new material at their next gig at San Francisco Bath House on July 12. In the meantime, members László Reynolds, Leith Towers and Arlo Grey share their favourite songs to soundtrack their perfect weekend of activities.

The Locust – ‘How to Become a Virgin’

This whole album is perfect for when I’m getting ready to hit Ōtautahi town. Even if I’m feeling tired or sad, it gets the blood flowing every time. / Leith Towers

Elela – ‘La Roche’

I have been known to spend many Saturdays and Sundays brooding in a sultry, mysterious manner. One needs some sophisticated and colourful electronic music to do this properly. Here’s my top pick. / LT

phreshboyswag – ‘hottie’ 

If any point in your weekend evening involves moving at high speeds in a souped-up Beemer (and if it doesn’t, it should), then this tune is one to play at ear-splitting volumes. Windows down, please! Feel the cool air on your skin. / LT

La Goony Chonga – ‘No Quieres Lio’

For me, the perfect weekend usually involves drinking alcohol. If you listen to this song and it doesn’t make you immediately want a drink, what are you even doing? Go outside and touch some grass. / Arlo Grey

Sidney Phillips – ‘Baccy Cones in a Holden’

I often play this song on my way to lazy brunch dates with the boys. Even listening to it now recalls the faint, bitter smoothness of a phantom flat white on my tongue. / AG

Varg2TM, Joon Gloom – ‘Star’

This is the best tune to play at 2am when the smoke machine has just filled up the living room of the house party. / AG

I Set My Friends on Fire – ‘Crank That’

I would recommend this one as your exit song for any weekend party. This is because when it starts, everyone gets excited because they think they’re listening to the original version of the song by Soulja Boy. But you can walk out knowing that they’ll soon be repulsed and shocked by what’s actually playing. / AG

Księżyc – ‘Lalka’

If too many normies or flakes find their way into your party, then you absolutely need to crank this album. I promise it will make them swiftly leave. The ones who remain you’ll want to keep as your closest friends. / László Reynolds

Pan Sonic – ‘Rahina II’

A typical Sunday includes a lot of physical activity. This is usually cycling or gardening, although recently I’ve been getting into squats and deadlifts. I like some energetic music to get me in the mood to conquer. Why not a bit of Finnish industrial noise?  / LR

RXKnephew – ‘i had aunty before i had fans’

To be honest, this is simply one of the finest songs ever made. It’s great any time of the week. However, weekends are the best time of the week, so naturally this song is even better then. It soothes the melancholy of the days slipping away on us. Time naturally expands and contracts, but often we don’t allow it to. This song will bring you into a more organic, embodied sense of the cycles of days and seasons.  / LR

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