Because it’s suffrage week, we’ve got ourselves a right lady-fest on The Spinoff TV tonight.
Tonight on The Spinoff TV, we celebrate suffrage week with an all-women episode featuring Anika Moa: queen of television, burps and oversharing. We talk about her new album, revisit the paranoia of Y2K and get stuck into what ads really say about women-folk.
Here are 10 more things that we can guarantee will happen on the show tonight:
1) Madeleine Chapman takes the reigns for Good Week, Mad Week
2) Kate Sheppard kicks the head off Richard Seddon
3) One host gets hit in the head with a giant album
4) Angella Dravid talks about tuna
5) The return to Don Brash sundae-gate
6) One peen and one vagine! But where? You’ll have to watch to the very end
7) Michele A’Court returns for another scientific On the Rag investigation
8) Hot goss about Simon Dallow from the streets of Newmarket
9) Andrew Little’s shambles video gets the treatment it deserves
10) A well-deserved shout-out to magical product VIPoo