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RecapsMay 11, 2015

Shorty Street Scandal: Scary Heirlooms, Wet Motorbike Rags and Warner Warnings

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Please enjoy this excellent episode of Shorty Street Scandal, wherein James Mustapic recaps the past week of Ferndale hijinks. This week? The Warners get warned, Pixie lies about poverty and Murray mourns a motorbike mag:

After much dilly-dallying around their famed rickety staircase that leads to nowhere, the Warners have finally moved into their new humble $3 million abode. During the move, Chris broke one of Rachel’s precious and deeply ugly ornaments (possibly a ceramic girl wearing a hat). Chucking it over the fence into the neighbours back yard, he found himself in a huge spot of bother when it came to retrieval. “Freeze or I’ll blow your brains out” a nice man yelled. Pray for Chris:

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So, as it turns out, money can’t buy you an inch of safety in suburban Ferndale. You’d think with a $3 million house they might be able to fork out for some curtains. Look out, our very own Paul Williams is here:

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Kane went over to visit Pixie to see how she was doing post-chemo. Turns out, through James’ excellent detective work, the family aren’t as poor as they are letting on. Who can afford Vogel’s?! Perhaps the chemo is all a farce as well. Look closer, people.

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Over at the Cooper house this week it was argument city. It all came to a horrific head with Muzza’s favourite motorbike magazine getting drenched in Shorty brand Lindauer. Leanne-dauer. Hairdryer in hand, Murray seemed sadder than the time Harry found him and Wendy’s sex tape.

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Watch Shortland Street on TVNZ Ondemand here

Watch Shorty Street Scandal on Youtube here 

Keep going!