Green fairies: Maki Herbert, Sister Mary Joseph Aubert and Rose Renton (Image: On The Rag)
Green fairies: Maki Herbert, Sister Mary Joseph Aubert and Rose Renton (Image: On The Rag)

SocietyAugust 6, 2020

The green fairies at the forefront of New Zealand’s fight to legalise cannabis

Green fairies: Maki Herbert, Sister Mary Joseph Aubert and Rose Renton (Image: On The Rag)
Green fairies: Maki Herbert, Sister Mary Joseph Aubert and Rose Renton (Image: On The Rag)

On the Rag meets two women advocating for the legalisation of cannabis to hear why they’re voting yes in this year’s referendum.

The prevailing image of weed users in the media might be Seth Rogen and men who look like Seth Rogen ripping epic bong hits in front of a Bob Marley poster. But, in reality, a diverse range of people use weed – even women! In fact, women have been pioneering new uses for cannabis, especially in a medicinal or therapeutic capacity, since pretty much the dawn of time.

One of New Zealand’s first and most famous green fairies – someone who delivers cannabis products to people with health or chronic pain problems – was Sister Mary Joseph Aubert, who sold cannabis to fund her welfare work in the late 1800s. But while she’s on the way to being made a saint, modern day green fairies are more likely to be sent to court or put on home detention for their efforts.

On the Rag host Michèle A’Court went to visit medicinal cannabis campaigner Rose Renton and Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party co-leader Maki Herbert, two green fairies fighting for the legalisation of weed in New Zealand, to find out why they think a change is necessary – and why weed is, in fact, a very feminine drug.

On the Rag is made with the support of NZ On Air.

Watch more of On the Rag here.

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